Monday, January 5, 2009

Random assortment of paragliding, diners, and monks

I'm catching up. These are from the last weeks in November and the first week of December.
Paragliding over Pokhara: Did I mention that I did this? Did I mention that after about 20 minutes of turning in circles to catch thermals, I puked over Pokhara? Somehow, it didn't occur to me that you can get motion sickness from paragliding. Oh well. It was still fun but I won't do it again.

Remember the roadside diner "gift" shop we stopped at on the overnight bus to Mcleod Ganj? I sneaked (snuck?) a snapshot of the 3-D paintings just before the shop owner came around the corner. Notice the plastic children's tricycle on the floor.

Indian signs continue to amuse me. I was scolded by a drunk Indian for taking these photos of the signs outside the diner. He said it was "very very wrong!"
Monk debates in the courtyard outside the Dalai Lama's residence: The two monks standing are quizzing the two seated monks. The discussions were pretty intense with yelling and scowling but, as you can see, it was all good-natured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy -- Happy New Year! Great to hear from you again. Looks like you're having an amazing time. I'm really jealous of your paragliding trip -- well minus the puking part haha. The monks are very interesting. Can't wait to hear more about everything. Take care of yourself and have fun!