Thursday, November 27, 2008

India will have to wait a bit

I'm still in Pokhara, Nepal. Actually, I was planning on booking a flight to Dehli this morning for a week from today but will wait a few days to see what happens with the situation there. So for now, I'm staying put. I'll post some photos this afternoon.



Unknown said...

Phew....ok good. I got on here this morning to see if you had posted anything about where you were. Stay safe over there.

Brian and Anelle said...

Glad to see you were not yet on the move to / in India yet... hunker down and stay safe!
Happy Thanksgiving too! I hope you have a peaceful day to yourself!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're safe. Thought about you this AM when I heard about Mumbai. Love your blog!!! Can't wait to hear more when you return to yoga. Namaste.

Tammie said...

Thanks Mary. I miss you and everyone at It's Yoga (which has a new name now, right?). I hope I make it to India for some yoga but we'll see.

Unknown said...

Also glad to see you're still in Nepal. I hope things settle down soon so you can move on.