Saturday, November 7, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Potty blog

What's that? Oh thaaat...that's a yak. I'm not sure if you can tell from this photo but he's ENORMOUS. It is a bit disconcerting to hear the clank, clank of a yak bell approaching the toilet tent while you're inside.

That's all for today. Check back again in a week or so. I'll tell the story of me and the grumpy yak.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Back in Chicago
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Blogging from the Delhi airport...for free!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tick tock. 4 days, 15 hours
The last 14 days of my travels are being spent at Quiet Healing Center in Auroville, India. Auroville is on the east coast of India and the guest house overlooks the Bay of Bengal, which offers a beautiful view of the sunrise. Check out the link to the web site from a few posts ago. I was looking forward to lazy afternoons on the beach but, unfortunately, this is not the kind of beach that you'd like to stroll along. You see, the local fisherman use it as their toilet. Yep. Yuk. It's really not a big deal though. There is small, brick, bougainvillea-covered wall that forms an effective barrier between the grounds of the resort and the poopy sand. From a hammock between two palms, you can make out the ocean view but you can't see the locals doing their daily business : ) Yay!
The food here, again, is fantastic. The residents of Auroville are mainly western and the food is prepared by western standards. That means that, hallelujah, I can actually eat the salads! So I've been eating lots of salads. Good stuff.
My days are ridiculously simple here. Reading, yoga, meditation, eating, and sleeping. Hence, that lack of posts over the last week or so. To keep busy, I took a 1-day workshop called Pills to Peas. I was expecting a workshop on the curative ability of different types of foods. Instead, I learned a lot of what I already knew, that diseases can be both caused and cured by diet. According to the China Study (arguably, the most research-based book on the subject), many health problems are directly related to consumption of animal products. The workshop was presented by an Indian woman, a physician and homeopathic doctor, who has been a vegan for many years. While I may not become vegan (even though the research is very convincing), I did have two excellent vegan meals which were tasty and satisfying. For me, the myth of the starving (and taste-starved) vegan has been dispelled.
Tick tock. 4 days, 15 hours until I fly out of Delhi. These last few days have gone a little slowly . It will be good when I have things to do again, like make my way by bus to Chennai, catch my flight to Delhi (on the 10th), and then catch my flight home (2AM on the 11th). My itinerary is: Delhi to Seoul and then Seoul to Chicago on the 11th. Stay in Chicago for a few days. Chicago to Columbus on the night of the 16th.
Thanks to everyone who offered me a place to crash when I return, though it looks like my apartment will be free. Yay : ) It will be nice to be home. See you soon!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Shameless plug for Icebreaker undies
So a few months ago, I was in a car with some friends driving from a river takeout back to the put-in to pick up a car. I was thinking how happy I was to be wearing my merino wool thermals. It was a cool day and the water (the Nanty) was freezing, as usual. Even though I was soaking wet, my base layers kept me warm from shoulders to ankles. They're soft, they dry fairly quickly, and they can sit wet in a bag for a day or two without getting stinky (you all know how sensitive my nose is to stinky things). My wool thermals are among my favorite items of clothing.
So there I was, sitting in my wet wool on the way back to the put-in when I thought, somebody should make merino wool underwear (and by underwear, I mean panties)? What's the point of a wool base layer if the base base layer was cotton or nylon? I must have been mulling out loud because my friend Eve said, "Icebreaker makes wool underwear!" So two weeks before my trip, I ordered 5 pairs of Icebreaker wool underwear over the Internet. These are the only pairs I brought on my trip and have worn them every day. I have to say, I will never wear anything else. After 21 days trekking (17 without a shower), a few months of bucket laundry and air drying, and about a month of Keralan jungle heat, they are still as good as new. They didn't shrink or stretch, they are not scratchy, they kept me cool in the heat and warm in the cold, they washed easily, and they dried in about 2 hours. Aaaand best of all, they all still pass the non-stinky test : ) Check them out here:
I ordered them from an online outdoor retailer but I can't remember which one. So there you have it. Icebreaker undies are the best undies ever : ) Now don't get me started on my Icebreaker sweater, which I've also worn nearly every day and still looks like new.
Thanks Eve and thanks Icebreaker!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Audacity of Hope
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Uniquely Indian (and Nepali too I guess)
1. Buckets: Yep, buckets are big here. They have entire shops devoted to buckets and bucket scoops (little buckets with handles that double as a handy hook to hang on the big buckets). What can you use a bucket for? Bucket showers (there are few showerheads in India or Nepal); bucket laundry; food container; regular waste basket; toilet paper waste basket: yep, in some places, TP can't go in the toilet (western or eastern) so the paper is tossed into the bucket next to the toilet. The contents are then added to the burn pile. Yep. Yuck.
2. Sales tags: Tags stuck to bathroom fixtures, buckets, plates and cups, automobiles, etc are not removed...ever. There's a car parked here at the ashram that still has the window stickers and paper strips over the hood. And I don't think I've used a bathroom mirror here that didn't have a sticker on it. I saw a woman on the train that left the tag on her cashmere scarf.
3. The phloem hoark: Hoark and spit. Everyone does it. Women, men. On the train, in meditation class, in the lunchroom. It's loud. It's messy. It's gross. No one cares. Why everyone have so much phleom? And it's not just limited to phloem. There's plenty of burping and farting (men and women) right in the middle of yoga class.
4. Cell phones: Everyone has one and no one knows how to turn it off. I've not had class here (and there are several per day) where a cell phone hasn't gone off. In one meditation class, one person's phone went off three times!!! Seriously?!?
And a little side note. I can't wait to use a shower with a shower head and...a shower curtain. I haven't had a shower curtain since the Radisson in Kathmandu (early November). The showers here are right next to the toilet with no curtain separating the two. If I forget to take the TP out of the bathroom before I take a shower, I end up with a sopping wet roll of mush. And after a shower, the entire bathroom is wet for the rest of the day. Yay for the western shower.
And a second note. Although this post is a bit negative, I really am enjoying my time India : ) I'll send more positive stuff later this week : )
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Conversational Indian
1. Phrases created by saying a common English word twice:
okay okay
use 1. affirmative, answer to a question. As in:
Question: okay?
Answer: okay, okay (accompanied by the head waggle, approximated by making a small figure 8 with your nose)
use 2: term of concession, esp. after bargaining; consider the following conversation:
me: How much to go to the post office?
rickshaw driver: 75 rupees
me: 75 rupees?? That's too much. Yesterday, I paid 50 (yes, had to go twice, separate story).
rickshaw driver: 60 rupees
me: No, too much. 50
rickshaw driver: okay, okay
use 3: phrase used in cell-phone conversations. Overheard:
"okay, okay...okay, okay................okay, okay"
same, same
meaning: this is the same as that, even when it is clearly not. Consider the following conversation between a tailor and me when I tried on a pair of pants he sewed for me:
me: These don't fit the same as the sample I tried on.
tailor: Same, same.
me: No. These are much longer here (length) and shorter here (rise).
tailor: Same, same.
me (upon trying on the sample again): See, these are not the same.
tailor: okay, okay (accompanied by the head waggle)
2. Common phrases heard in areas with many tourist shops.
Just come inside.
Just have a look.
Looking, free of charge.
Just look, madame.
You first customer. I need good luck. Good price.
Morning time. I make you good price.
Evening time. I make you good price.
This is good price, madame.
3. Phrases describing the relative gravity of a situation.
No problem
meaning: what you might consider a problem isn't really a problem.
me: Why has the car stopped running?
taxi driver: No problem, madam. I'll be right back. [he leaves with no explanation. 20 minutes later, he comes back with a can of gas (petrol)].
taxi driver: No problem.
Big problem
meaning: something that you might not consider a problem but which is actually a deal-breaker
taxi driver: 50 rupees, madam
me: I only have 100. Can you give change?
taxi driver: big problem
Not possible
meaning: response to what you might think is a reasonable request
me: Can I have the fruit muesli curd (cereal with curd and mixed fruit) but without papaya?
waiter: Not possible.
me: Is the fruit pre-mixed?
waiter: No madam. Not pre-mixed. Made when you order.
me: Can you not add papaya?
waiter: Not possible. It comes with banana, orange, papaya, and mango.
me: okay okay (accompanied by the head waggle : )
[Side note: since coming to India, I’ve discovered that I really don’t like papaya. For some reason, to me, it tasted like vomit.]
That's all for now : )
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Onward in India and then...home!!
I'll be there for at least one week and maybe for two, depending on how I like it. Again, I have no idea whether or not I'll have internet or phone. I'm going to try to buy a SIM card for my cell when I get to Bangalore but the ashram is about an hour outside the city.
After Bangalore, I'll be making my way to the state of Tamil Nadu on the eastern coast of India. There, I will be spending about 10 days at the Quite Healing Center in Auroville (in interesting community...check out the web site.)
And then....I'm coming home! Yep. I'm heading home on Feb 16th, about a month earlier than I had originally planned. I've decided to enroll in a yoga teacher training course at It's Yoga (now Grow Yoga) that starts on Feb 19. I couldn't pass up the opportunity, especially since I'm not working right now. I'm not sure if Michael (he's subletting my apartment while I'm away) will be able to find a place that soon so I might need to couch-surf for a few weeks after I return. Any takers? I will have been living out of a backpack for 4 months so I guess a few more weeks won't hurt.
Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you about the elephants. No, they had nothing to do with Amma except that we visited an elephant sanctuary the day we left the ashram for Amma's. We were only going to go for an elephant ride but when we arrived, they were bathing one of the elephants in the lake. We got to get in the water to "help" scrub his wrinkly skin with coconut husks. I put "help" in quotes because we probably weren't doing such a good job with the cleaning, what with all the posing for photos that we were doing : )
I'll be in touch when I arrive at my next destination : )
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Hugging Mother
As I approached the front of the line, an attendant took my bag and asked me to wipe my face (imagine all the oil and makeup that would accumulate on Amma's white gown after a day of hugging). Another attendant asked me what language I spoke. With only one person in front of me now, another attendant pressed down lightly on my shoulder, indicating that it was time to kneel (the hugging position). When the person in front of me stood up, the attendant pushed me forward and I waddled up to Amma on my knees. Another attendant placed my hands on the arms of the arm chair and pushed my head into her...well, into her chest, and held it there. Now, I must pause a moment. Amma is a busy woman who is very involved in her charitable organizations. She can't give up hours a day to hug when so much work has to be done. So how does she get it all done? She carries out business while she's hugging. Yes, the woman doesn't get up to pee for 13 hours carries on business conversations while she's hugging. So there I am, with my hands on either side of Amma and my head being held against her chest while she's carrying on a conversation with one of her attendants, who's taking notes. Amma is holding me, sort of, but I must wait for the full-on hug until she's finished her thought. I must have stayed in this awkward position for 20 or 30 seconds. And all at once, she squeezed, kissed the side of my head, pushed the prasad into my hand, mumbled something in my ear (I have no idea), and released me. That was it. The attendant pulled me up and ushered me away before I had time to say, "What was that? I didn't hear you." After I left, I realized that I didn't even have a chance to make eye contact.
So that was my experience with Amma, the hugging mother, the living saint. It wasn't quite the experience I'd expected, but it was truly an unforgettable experience (not unlike all travels in India). I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else on New Year's Eve.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Monk video!!! I'm so excited!
Random assortment of paragliding, diners, and monks
Sunday, January 4, 2009
1. Dzopku (yak/cow cross; I would add yak but there were no roads in the Everest region)
2. Horses
3. Donkeys
4. Goats
5. Cows (lots and lots)
6. Water buffalo
7. Oxen
8. Camels (yep...walking along a highway no less)
9. Elephants (again, walking along a highway but was so stunned that I didn't get a photo)
More tomorrow. I'll try to post some photos and I'll tell you about New Year's eve.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Ashram life
Now, back to my last few weeks in Kerala, which I've really enjoyed. I spent December 16 through December 30th at the Sivananda Yoga Ashram in Kerala, which is very near the southern tip of India. The schedule there goes something like this:
- 5:20AM First wake up bell (which I stopped hearing on day two)
- 5:50AM Second wake up bell (which I stopped hearing on about day 7)
- 6AM Meditation (30 minutes), and Satsung chanting, aka Kirtan, if you've heard of that, not unlike hymns in church except these were not in English (30 minutes)
- 7:30 Tea (weak chai)
- 8AM Yoga (2 hours) consisting of 15-20 minutes of pranayama (yogic breathing practice, my new favorite yoga), 15 minutes or so of sun salutations, 60 minutes or so of a specific sequence of hatha poses, and lots of sivasana (relaxation pose) interspersed
- 10 AM Brunch eaten sitting on the floor with my right hand (vegetarian, good food, though a bit dull after 15 days). Side note: real, non-westernized south Indian food is some of the best I've ever had. I would recommend borrowing a south Indian cookbook (Keralan, if you can find it) from the library, especially if you're looking for substantial and varied vegetarian food.
- 11 AM Karma Yoga, selfless service, which consisted of tasks like cleaning, trash pickup, food service, etc. My karma yoga was brunch serving and cleanup of the dining room so I had free time after around 11:30.
- 2 PM lecture, talks on meditation, yoga, and chanting
- 3:30 yoga (2 hours, same as morning)
- 6PM dinner (not as much variety as brunch, usually boiled vegetables over rice with a side of boiled vegetables, which got really old)
- 8PM Satsung (same as the morning, exactly the same, words and all, which are now burned into my brain and I find myself humming throughout the day)
- 10PM lights out
Many of you asked if the ashram celebrated Christmas and indeed, they did. Many Keralans are Christian. The streets and houses were decorated with lights and these beautiful illuminated paper stars and the ashram hosted several different cultural (music and theater) performances on the days before and after Christmas. We even had a visit from Santa, who made an entrance shouting "Happy Christmas" and carrying balloons : )
To end this post, I will share with you my favorite phrases spoken by my Indian yoga instructors. When reading these, it might help to bring to mind an Indian accent :
1. "straight your legs" (as in, your legs are bent and they should be straight in this pose)
2. "feets together" (as in, your feet are apart but they should be together in this pose)
3. "close your left nose", "close your right nose", and my favorite "close your both noses" (referring to holding the breath during pranayama, which I had trouble doing the first time I heard "close your both noses" because it made me laugh)
It's getting late. I had a very interesting New Year's eve (which I'll write about tomorrow) involving elephants and a saint. More tomorrow.